sea urchin

I’m going to bring you back to 2015 in a beautiful country, Jamaica. I was so eager to get going, it felt like I was waiting forever to board that plane. After an unnecessarily long plane ride, we were at the destination. I remember walking out of that plane and breathing in the thick, humid air. The first few days were incredible; I got food poisoning and a major sunburn and I was having a great time in my hotel room with my aloe vera. A few days in, I finally departed from my room and made my way to the beach. Water is my element. I love swimming in the warm sea and pretending that I’m drowning to freak out strangers. Oh, and I also enjoy seeing all of the fishes. That day, I didn’t only get see the fishes; a sea urchin came my way. I was having a jolly old time swimming around that day and while practicing my backstroke; I let my feet sink down to the bottom of the sea to have a rest after the Olympics I was performing. That’s when I felt the pain. It was like an electric shock, I remember, and I jolted up. I swear I flew out of that water. Like, if I had the ability to do that at any given time; I could save lives. I swam to the shore and called out to my mother. I look at the location the pain was coming from and saw a bunch of little black dots covering the whole sole of my foot. With my mom freaking out and random strangers also flipping out; I went ballistic. I didn’t know what the hell just happened; matter of fact, I didn’t even know what a sea urchin was at that point. Sitting on the hot sand, my mom crouched beside me and started pulling out the needles with her fingers until there were about five left. Those five pieces nestled deep inside of my foot and didn’t budge. We used needles, we used alcohol, we used peer pressure; nothing. My parents and I made our way to the nurse that was at the resort and she looked at it, shrugged, and said to use vinegar. That’s about it, so we did. Harmless enough. That cotton filled with vinegar never left my foot. I ate with it, I walked with it. Eventually, that thing burned my sole, I guess the universe didn’t want me to prosper.

I learned to walk without stepping on the needles too hard, and I used my techniques to make my way through the journey back home. So for a solid five days, I lived with five needles bearing inside of my foot. Respectfully, my mother has had enough of it and she forced me to go to the hospital. I was terrified because I thought they would amputate my foot, real talk. But it was worse than I thought.

When we showed the doctor, he had the look of pure horror on his face. To be quite honest with you, that didn’t make me feel any better. He said the words, “We have to cut it out.” to me. At that moment, I was questioning life. I also made an escape route in my mind but I didn’t follow through with it because I have a mother. The doctor told me that they would have to shove a needle inside of my foot to numb it and then the would be able to cut into my sole and take everything out. Absolutely not. I’d rather eat the damn sea urchin. After a huge lecture from my mom, I finally lay there with my foot out and waited. The pain the needle gave me is something I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy. The pain from the numbing medication made me squirm and move around dramatically, and since my dumb self did that; the numbing didn’t work and when they started cutting it, I felt everything. The doctor said we would have to do that again with me staying still because they could not proceed with the cutting, and I said; no thank you, sir. I would do anything to not feel that ever again. But remember, my mom was there. So now, I had to go through all of that again and get the needle in my foot one more time. This time I was wiggling, but my foot was still. I learned that time. The pain is unexplainable but I’ll try. It feels as if someone gave you a paper cut on your foot and let fire seep through said cut. It’s fantastic. 10/10. That time, it numbed everything and they were able to take out those leftover needles. I missed two weeks of wrestling in gym class so I was happy.

Some might call my story experience, many call it stupidity.


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4 thoughts on “sea urchin

  1. Dear Tina,

    You wrote an amazing piece of your experience with a sea urchin that had pricked needles into the bottom of your foot. I felt a mix of of emotions seeing your piece. At some parts I was fascinated and at some parts it felt hilarious. My favorite part was the sarcasm you had towards having an incredible time despite having food poisoning and getting a sunburn. I also liked how you ended your story with the fact that you didn’t have to wrestle in PE class which put humor into it. Your use of metaphors really drew me into your story.

    Some minor improvements to make this piece even better is just the few GUMPS it has but specifically with the mechanics. I noticed that some areas that had periods needed to be changed by a comma like the line,”’We have to cut it out.’ to me.”

    Overall, I really enjoyed your piece and hope to read more of your great writing in the future.

    1. Mariam,

      Thank you so much for reading my piece. I am very glad that you were able to recognize my humour since I was quite nervous to put it in. I will make sure to look out for my GUMPS in the future and I will fix my mistakes right away.


  2. Dear Christina,
    This was an incredible piece. I feel like I just experienced every bit of what you went through with you. I’m completely amazed with how well you wrote your story and how easy it was to follow along. I appreciated the side humour you had as well, in fact, it suited your piece. The pain and agony you went through was also very well explained. It actually stood out to me the time you took to allow yourself, to mention the emotions and feelings you were going through while being in the capturing moment of the sea urchin clasping onto your foot in the Jamaican ocean. It most definitely had a powerful impact on your writing and left an impactful voice on your entire piece.
    The image you painted was great as you went along explaining your story. I enjoyed this piece a lot and other than a few grammatical errors your work was near perfect.
    It spoke out to me and I’m glad you had a thrilling time in Jamaica! I will definitely use some of your remarkable techniques in the future. You write so effortlessly and this piece taught me a lot about the type of person you seem to be and it’s interesting because I don’t know you very well but you seem like such an entertaining and delightful person to be around. Great work on this piece and I can’t wait to further see your writing enhance and grow.


    1. Arzoo,

      Thank you so much for reading my piece! You really lifted up my mood with your comma. I will absolutely work more on my grammar and make sure I proof read a bit more to make sure.


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